Where did the summer go?

Gosh, time has flown by this year. It's already the last day of August, fall is just around the corner, and my baby is officially an adult.

Yes, Sk8monkey turned 18 on the 25th. Now it's time to register for Selective Service (and, no, he has no interest in the military) and get his driver's license renewed. Graduation will be here before I know it, and then it's off to college.

I kind of miss my baby, you know?

Here's one of my infamous blurry pictures taken last month. I just noticed he didn't have sheets on the bed!  Wonder where they went?

On the good news front, Mama has taken her last "hard" chemo treatment, and will be put on what her doctors say is a less-harsh regimen. She's certainly glad of that, as she has been having an increasingly harder time handling the effects. But we are almost half way through the process, so that light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

I'm still chugging along on the writing front, getting closer to having a good final product for the novel, and two short stories that I've been piddling with for a while are closer to being finished. In my spare time I'm teaching myself how to use Photoshop CS6--it's an amazing program that I hope to be able to, well, not master, but at least become proficient at using.

So there you have it, Gentle Readers, another long tale from a middle-aged, working mom. This is a three day weekend for us US folks, so take care and remember the workers of the world.

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