Random pictures

Well, I'm already falling down on my pledge to myself to post at least weekly on this blog. The truth is, not much happens in my life: I am a currently-unemployed, single, boring middle-aged woman and my kids are not cute toddlers who get into charming, amazing adventures daily--so that's my sad sob-story. blubber blubber HAH!

So, I thought I'd start posting some pictures I've been taking, sort of inspired by the project 365 thing that's going around the scrapbooking world. And without further ado..........pictures!

First-up is a very blurry picture of the tight
red jeans my beloved son (aka sk8monkey) got awhile back. We later went and got another pair---purple!--because we got a coupon when we bought the red ones. And you know how it is with coupons: somehow you feel obligated to use 'em if ya got 'em! Ooooh, look at my long shadow!

Second, is a picture I took behind my craft building (seen behind sk8monkey in the first picture) when we had a very foggy morning. It looks like the woods go on forever back there. I love living out in the country.

The third picture is of my cat boy Shadow. Have I mentioned that I am the only female in my household? Yep, kids, dog and cat are all male. Oh, the hormones! In this picture, I messed around in the editing and made it black and white, although it's still blurry. I wonder what it is about cats loving empty boxes?

Looking at the preview, the pictures are not side by side like I wanted, but it's still a learning curve on this whole blogging thing. Well, off to finish up some Cards for Soldiers from the cricut board--I'm doing kids cards this time (most of them anyway) and I'll post a few up here when I get a moment.

Blessed be.

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