Thursday Thoughts: Turkey day, and stuff.

So, one week until we here in the USA gorge ourselves with turkey and all the fixings. Oh, I can't wait! Some people will roast (or fry) a bird throughout the year, but I really only like to do it during the holidays.

I'm going to put up the recipe for the dressing I make on Monday, in case someone wants to try it this year. It's pretty simple to make, and doesn't need a bunch of stuff. It's a savory dressing, and it's not stuffing -- I don't like stuffing cooked in the bird. But I don't judge!

I'll also talk about the other stuff we like to have, which I'm warning you is so simple and boring it's insane. I make cranberry sauce from whole berries, very easy and so good! Another thing we do is get the turkey a bit tipsy before he goes in the oven. Yep, a little white wine does amazing things for that old tom.

I'm stunned at how fast the year is coming to an end, and how little writing I'm managing to get done. I feel better about my whole family situation, and I do get in a few word now and again. As I mentioned in the last post, I wrote a short piece to submit to an anthology for charity. Still waiting to here if they accept it. Cross your fingers. :)

I've got some story ideas for some shorts set in a fictional North Carolina town, in the horror genre, that I hope to get to work on soon. Not a zombie in sight so far! And I love writing zombies.

I really want to finish the novel I've got going, and the rewrite on the previously published book, so I can get them out before the end of the year. I just really needed to stop stressing out over stuff so I could get my mojo back. It's coming, but slower than I like.

There you have it, Gentle Readers, another installment on ye olde blogge. Take care, and rest up for T-day!

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