A way to help our soldiers on America's birthday.

image from:  www.pcdon.com 

I was reading over on the message boards at Baen's Bar, killing time before I need to get up and make some potato salad, and found this post about a way to help our returning wounded soldiers:


What they're doing is buying Kindle ereaders and pre-loading them with books, which are given to wounded military members at various medical facilities.There's a more detailed explanation at the link, as well as how to contribute.

This sounds like a good way to help the wounded soldier/seamen, Marines and Airmen who stepped up and now need our help.With war efforts winding down, now is not the time to forget those who have given of themselves to serve our country. 

Whatever you think of the wars, our brave men and women answered the call. Some gave their lives, some their physical and/or mental health, to do their patriotic duty.

So, happy birthday to the USA! There's enough candles on the cake to burn the country down, how about some balloons, instead? Let's make a wish for peace, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.

image source:  http://www.birthday-clip-art.com/
That's all for now, Gentle Readers. Take care, and grill on!

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