Monday Menu: Baked Zucchini

Gosh, it's been a while since I posted anything. Wow, where does the time go?

I'm still busy taking care of my granddog, Nina. She's getting bigger, and stronger in her chest and front legs. The little devil can pull herself out of the old Port-a-Crib I was using to keep her out of trouble. We had to put a piece of plywood over the top, with a brick on it so she can't get out. She is not a happy dog when she's in there.

Anyway, nothing much new on the writing front. I'm trying to work out a schedule to get some words in, but with my parents' health issues I don't have much hope for this week. Guess I'll have to content myself with more plot work and research.

Last week I was going to post about the adventure in jelly-making Second-of-Three and I had, but I got distracted. I'll save that for another day, and only say that it turned out great.

This week's entry into the menu is something I found on Pinterest, and followed to the recipe:

I didn't make the dipping sauce, but the recipe for the zucchini turned out great. We used a mix of zucchini and yellow squash, with homemade bread crumbs and shredded Romano cheese.We made the breadcrumbs from some hotdog buns that had been hanging around in the refrigerator. Stale bread. Yummy!

It's simple to do:

Brush the bread with olive oil, and sprinkle some Italian seasoning on top. Toast until crispy. You can either crush it with a potato masher, put it in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin, or do like my son did and cut it fine with a knife. Don't ask me why he did it this way, as I have no idea, but it worked fine.

Everybody loved this, and we plan to make it again. Tonight we're having homemade chili with beans. I don't remember if I've put up that recipe, I'll have to check. If not, it will be a future post.

There you have it, Gentle Readers. Another update and a nifty recipe. Take care, and eat your vegetables.

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